KXC Rule of Life
Together, we’re stepping into a Rule of Life: a shared set of practices that help shape us and our everyday lives in the way of Jesus.
What is a Rule of Life?
A Rule of Life is a collection of practices that shape our daily rhythms to be with Jesus, become like him, and do the things he did. Like a trellis supporting a vine, it acts as a structure which helps us grow in the right direction: into the likeness of Jesus.
Importantly, these practices aren’t ‘rules’ or laws! They are simply patterns we can use to make space for the Holy Spirit’s ongoing transformation in us. It’s a way of living our lives in response to God’s gift of grace (Eph 2:8-9).
Join us on the journey
To do this well, we want to live these practices out together as a community. So we’re inviting our whole church to step into this over the months and years to come. This will always be invitation, never obligation. We encourage everyone to start small and build gradually.
We’re starting with a few foundational practices to embed into our lives together. You can find resources to help with each practice below. We’ll gradually add more practices and resources as we go.
A community of faithfulness in a culture of compromise, through the practice of Scripture
A community of dependence upon God in a culture of self-sufficiency, through the practice of prayer
a community of love and depth in a culture of individualism and superficiality through the practice of community
a community of sacrifice in a culture of scarcity through the practice of generosity
Learn more about Rule of Life
At one of our Leaders Nights in 2024, we had Tyler Staton, Lead Pastor of Bridgetown Church share about the What, Why and How of a shared Rule of Life.