



Everything we have comes from God, and giving is part of our response to him. We want to trust him with all areas of our lives, including our money. Everything we do at KXC is made possible through God’s provision and the generosity of our church family. We’re deeply grateful for every financial gift!


1. Standing Orders & Bank Transfers

If you use online banking, you can set up regular giving through a Standing Order, or one-off gifts by BACS transfer. Regular giving allows us to budget more effectively, and so is incredibly helpful.

To arrange payments by online banking, our account details are:

NatWest Bank
Account name: Kings Cross Church Giving
Account no: 26659522
Sort Code: 60-12-02
Reference: [initial+surname/KXC] eg. JSMITH/KXC

2. Give online (Direct Debit and Card Transactions)

Set up a one-off or regular gift online through Churchsuite.
Note: we are charged a small transaction fee for each payment, though we can also claim Gift Aid at the point of donation.

Gift Aid

Whichever way you choose to give to KXC, if you’re a UK taxpayer please complete the Gift Aid form below. Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your gift at no extra cost to you. If you pay tax in the UK, we can reclaim the basic rate tax (25%) on your gift.


If you’re happy for us to keep your name and contact details on our database, these will be processed in order to facilitate the workings of the church and will be held in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and KXC’s Privacy Statement.