OCTOBER 29 | WE BELIEVE IN ONE GOD: Pete Hughes kicks off a new teaching series called ‘The Creed’, exploring the foundational truths of the Christian faith.
SUNDAY 5 NOVEMBER | ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST: Continuing our series on The Creed, Anna Mason explores the character of Jesus, focusing on the belief that he was both fully human and fully divine.
SUNDAY 5 NOVEMBER | ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST: Continuing our series on The Creed, Tim May explores one of the biggest questions people have about the Christian faith: how could Jesus be both fully God and fully human?
SUNDAY 12 NOVEMBER | FOR US AND OUR SALVATION: Continuing our series on The Creed, Sarah Eccleshall looks at the humanity of Jesus, exploring what it says about God and what it says about us.
SUNDAY 19 NOVEMBER | CRUCIFIED AND RISEN: Continuing our series on The Creed, Jon Carter looks at how the cross and the resurrection of Jesus completely transforms everything about us.
SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER | WE BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SPIRIT: Pete Hughes takes us through the next paragraph of the Nicene Creed, focusing on the Holy Spirit: “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.”
SUNDAY 3 DECEMBER | ONE CHURCH, ONE BAPTISM, ONE FUTURE: Finishing off our series on The Creed, Tim May talks about why we shouldn’t give up on church.
SUNDAY 3 DECEMBER | ONE CHURCH, ONE BAPTISM, ONE FUTURE: Pete James finishes off our series on The Creed by exploring what Christian community looks like, what Christian identity looks like and what the purpose of a Christian is.