SUNDAY 19 AUGUST I GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE: Journeying through Ezekiel 37, Emma Heddle unpacks the lessons we can learn about a God who makes the impossible happen and who wants to use his church to bring extraordinary life to this city.
SUNDAY 12 AUGUST I GOD SETS THE LONELY IN FAMILIES: Ben Jones unpacks the power of unconditional love and what it would look like for the church to be drawing the lonely into community.
SUNDAY 12 AUGUST I JOURNEY TO YOUR TRUE SELF: Dan Miles explores what it means to image God as our true selves. He unpacks what it looks like to journey with Jesus so that His love alone is what shapes us.
Download the slides for this talk here:
SUNDAY 5 AUGUST | THE POWER OF WORDS: Cath Carter looks at the importance of our words and the power that they hold.
SUNDAY 5 AUGUST | LIVING IN THE PRESENT: Looking at Isaiah 43, Jon Carter explores what it looks like to live in the present rather than dwelling in the past or fixating on the future. Sharing stories of faith, he unpacks how we perceive what God is doing in and around us in the here and now.
SUNDAY 5 AUGUST | MAKE A WAY: Unpacking Luke Chapter 3, Colin Hamilton encourages us to be secure in our identity, content in our position and make a way for Jesus.