Sunday 16 January 2022 | Name Above All Names - Yahweh is There
How do we survive seasons of challenge, hardship and adversity? And how do we grow in these seasons?
After 40 years in the wilderness, Moses has an encounter with God that proves to be a turning point in the entire narrative of Scripture. As he asks the question, “Who am I?”, God responds by revealing His name and, with it, a revelation of His identity and an invitation into relationship. Pete kicks off our new teaching series, Name Above All Names.
Sunday 23 January 2022 | Name Above All Names - Yahweh Will Provide
Do you want to know God more? Do you want to taste and see more of his goodness?
This teaching series provides a moment to lean into the names that reveal God’s character and see that there’s a different way to live. Pete invites us to reject the restlessness around us and chose to live on the foundation of faith – God will provide.
Sunday 30 January 2022 | Name Above All Names - Yahweh My Banner
Damilola Makinde continues our teaching series, Name Above All Names.
Sunday 30 January 2022 | Name Above All Names - Yahweh My Peace
Anna Mason continues our teaching series, Name Above All Names.
Sunday 6 February 2022 | Name Above All Names - Yahweh Our Healer
Jon Carter continues our current teaching series, Name Above All Names.
Sunday 6 February 2022 | Name Above All Names - Yahweh Our Sanctifier
Emma Heddle continues our current teaching series, Name Above All Names.