BREAD Devotional


Week 22- Ministry of Jesus

Jesus is described in scriptures as the ‘exact representation of God’. Throughout His life, He demonstrated the divine love, power, and grace of His Father; the passages this week show us His character and heart through His time of ministry. 

We will learn how Jesus meets the needs of the people he interacts with. He gives food to the hungry, sight to the blind and rest to the weary. He defends the oppressed and sets prisoners free. He preaches and teaches. He drives out demons. He invites followers and offers forgiveness. He shares in meals and miracles alike - feeding the 5,000, walking on water, and healing the sick. 

Jesus was constantly questioned. People of power and religious authorities were watching Him, waiting for an opportunity to oppose Him, and yet he persevered. He remained focused on His heaven-sent mission to minister to mankind.

Not only can we learn from the actions of Jesus Himself this week, but also from the actions of those around Him. They were hungry, open, and eager to learn. They were desperate and expectant, wanting nothing more than to be near Jesus. Crowds gathered and waited, hungry and without food, to listen to what He had to say. The sick were carried to wherever He was, begging even to get a touch of his clothing. They knew that all they needed was to be in His presence to experience His power, and it was contagious. 

Jesus taught the crowds that came, often using parables. He reminds us of the need to keep a soft heart and open spirit, ‘good soil’ that receives His teaching, ensuring that what is heard bears fruit in our life. 

With that said, this week may you ‘consider carefully what you hear’. May you be reminded of the power of a heart that hopes only in Him. And may you soak up the goodness and wisdom of your loving Saviour. 

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