BREAD Devotional


Week 2- The Coming Christ

A new year often springs hope and optimism within us to see something good in our lives. “This year will be the year I…” is often the phrase that reverberates in our minds in the run up to January 1st and already some of us will have failed on what we had intended to set out.

This week we are exploring the start of Jesus’ ministry, seeing how the clues of who he is and what his kingdom is like were unveiled to those around. We hear the stories of Simeon and Anna, who like us long for a saviour to pull us up from the hole we are in, both individually and as the entire human race.

We see that Jesus isn’t an individual clawing at claims of divinity but that he operates with the full power of the Holy Spirit and the full affirmation of God the Father. We learn that he is good news for the poor, freedom for prisoners and the oppressed, and sight to the blind; yet still faced opposition and rejection from those who heard him.

These are the start of the answers to the question, “who is this Jesus?” who we can meet with every single day.


Father we thank you for your closeness to our humanity demonstrated in Jesus Christ, your desire to be with us despite our mess ups, failures and faults. Forgive us where we have rejected your kindness and goodness towards us when we have felt our ideas and plans are better than yours. We ask that you would help us live in the truth of these scriptures of who you are and that you long for our choice to participate in your kingdom activity today. Thank you for making a way for us to be with you in Jesus Christ today, this week and forevermore.

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