Week 14- A Resurrected Life
Easter is the opportunity to celebrate the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
This is not a sweet, polite tale of a good moral teacher but a radical story of the pursuit of God from the beginning of time for a people - you and I- that he fiercely loves to death. And then he conquers it so that we would freely live under his grace. There is now hope at the end of death because there is resurrection for those who have died.
Scripture had already been written in advance for how Jesus was going to go on the cross so that we could enjoy the fullness of Gods closeness,so that we could boldly approach the throne of God without hindrance.
Jesus has conquered everything, so we can be immovable in our faith, not out from our certainty but from the certainty of Jesus. Death has lost its sting because Christ has conquered the power of sin and death. As we move through this week's passages, we read of Jesus being the firstborn of this resurrection life so that we could share in this same life. That through the same Spirit that raised Christ from the death, who is living and active within us, we can walk in freedom.