JUNE - JULY 2019
SUNDAY 23 JUNE | UPRISING: Karl Barth once famously said that “to clasp your hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of this world”. Nowhere do we see this more clearly than in Jesus’ prayer life and the revolutionary embodied life that flowed from it.
Pete James kicks off our new teaching series, Uprising: Cultivating a revolutionary prayer life.
SUNDAY 30 JUNE | UPRISING: Pete James continues our Uprising series by exploring how we can cultivate a devotional prayer life.
SUNDAY 7 JULY | UPRISING: Anna Mason continues our prayer series, Uprising, looking at contending in prayer for one another.
SUNDAY 14 JULY | UPRISING: Steve Hughes continues our current teaching series, Uprising, by exploring the importance of being persistent in prayer and remaining hopeful in times of disappointment.
SUNDAY 21 JULY | UPRISING: Emma Heddle concludes our current teaching series, Uprising, by exploring how we might partner with God to see hope break out across our city.