
Isaiah 61 talks

SUNDAY 22 NOVEMBER 2020 | ISAIAH 61: A PROPHECY FULFILLED - Anna Mason draws our series, Isaiah 61: The Announcement of Good News, to a close by sharing the promise of a prophecy being fulfilled, exploring what it means to be anointed and commissioned to be like Jesus.

SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 | ISAIAH 61: FROM DESPAIR TO PRAISE - Emma Heddle continues our series Isaiah 61: The Announcement of Good News, exploring despair and praise, and sharing what it looks like to know death has been defeated and to see the kingdom of heaven breaking in.

SUNDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2020 | ISAIAH 61: FROM MOURNING TO DANCING - Continuing our series, Isaiah 61: The Announcement of Good News, Pete Hughes explores in more depth what it looks like for the church to be equipped to participate in the ministry of Jesus, binding up the broken hearted and leading people from mourning to dancing.

SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2020 | ISAIAH 61: BEAUTY FOR ASHES - Damilola Makinde continues our series ‘Isaiah 61: The Announcement of Good News’, unpacking the the significance of ashes in scripture and for us today, where the redemptive love of God meets death and ashes in exchange for life and beauty.

SUNDAY 25 OCTOBER 2020 | ISAIAH 61: A PROPHECY FORETOLD - Pete Hughes opens our new teaching series ‘Isaiah 61: The Announcement of Good News’ by exploring the prophesy given in Isaiah 61, and beginning to uncover the power of the gospel.