Encounters with Grace

encounters with grace

Sunday 3 July 2022 | Encounters with Grace: Chosen

What does it mean to be human? Pete Hughes launches a new teaching series focusing on Jesus’ encounters with people in the gospels. When Jesus meets with people, he reveals how God sees them and restores their true identity as sons and daughters. As we go through these stories, our hope is that we might take off the distorted lens through which we see ourselves, and instead soak in the truth that we are chosen, loved, freed, forgiven, empowered and called.

Sunday 10 July 2022 | Encounters with Grace: Forgiven

Ruth May continues our current teaching series, Encounters With Grace, by exploring our identity as a forgiven people.

Sunday 17 July 2022 | Encounters with Grace: Loved

Pete Hughes continues our current teaching series, Encounters with Grace, by focusing on the love of the Father.

Sunday 31 July 2022 | Encounters with Grace: Freed

Rebecca Hamilton continues our teaching series, Encounters with Grace, by exploring what it means to encounter freedom in Jesus.

Sunday 07 August 2022 | Encounters with Grace: Empowered

Lois Tackie-Oblie continues our teaching series, Encounters with Grace, by looking at what it means to be empowered.

Sunday 14 August 2022 | Encounters with Grace: Called

Emma Heddle finishes off our teaching series, Encounters with Grace, by exploring what it means to be called by God and what it looks like to fully step into this truth.