
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality


SUNDAY 17 JUNE | BECOMING YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF: “It’s impossible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature.” Introducing a new series on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Pete Hughes explores the importance of knowing ourselves so that we might know more of God and His heart for us.

SUNDAY 24 JUNE | GOING BACK TO GO FORWARD: Continuing our series on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Kath Brayford explores the importance of going back in order to go forward as we look to break the power of the past.

SUNDAY 1 JULY | JOURNEY THROUGH THE WALL: Continuing our series on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Pete Hughes looks at what it means to journey through the wall.

SUNDAY 8 JULY | ENLARGING YOUR SOUL THROUGH GRIEF AND LOSS: Continuing our series on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Annie Hughes looks at the journey of grief and loss, exploring how God uses our pain to enlarge our hearts.

SUNDAY 15 JULY | DISCOVER RHYTHMS OF REST AND SABBATH: Continuing our series on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Tim May unpacks the importance of daily rhythms of rest and the Sabbath and their importance for our emotional and spiritual health. Our lives are oversubscribed and many of us are flirting with burnout and breakdown. Sabbath speaks to us of a God who enters into the present moment with us.

SUNDAY 22 JULY | LEARNING TO LOVE: Continuing our series on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Pete Hughes explores what it means to love well as individuals and as a flourishing community.

SUNDAY 29 JULY | WHAT NOW?: Pete James finishes off our series on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by asking “what now?”.